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as if you’re never hurt
好象从未受过伤害 脸上的表情  detail>>
as if u’re never hurt
脸上的表情看起来  detail>>
it won’t hurt you to try it
你不妨试试  detail>>
just to hurt you
只是想伤害你  detail>>
no one will hurt you
这里没有人会伤害你  detail>>
undo this hurt you cause
把你以前对我的伤害抹掉  detail>>
undo this hurt you caused
抹去这些来自你制造的痛苦  detail>>
you hurt my baby
你把我的  detail>>
if you hurt him, you are cruel
如果你伤害了他,表示你很残忍  detail>>
what you never, never, never
你从不,从不,从不  detail>>
mary would never knowingly hurt anyone
玛莉绝对不会故意地伤害任何人  detail>>
can`t you see the hurt in me
你能否看见我内心隐藏的伤  detail>>
don’t cry before you are hurt
勿杞人忧天  detail>>
id rather hurt you honestly
而伤害你老老实实身份证  detail>>
im sorry that i hurt you
对不起,我伤害过你  detail>>
man ,you need somebody to hurt
人啊,你会受到别人的伤害  detail>>
theres people there who will hurt you
有谁会伤害你  detail>>
you seem to wanna hurt me
你似乎想伤害我  detail>>